Minister Kelly Hughes-Rayford

Minister Kelly Hughes-Rayford
Minister Kelly Hughes-Rayford, Blog Writer

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Names of God

Thank you ladies for calling in last night for Bible Study.
Thank you Minister Elisha Rayford III, for teaching in my absence.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has many names.  Here are some that you can use in your prayer time.  He can be what ever we need Him to be,  Our Father, Healer, our Provider...
Hebrew Names of God:
Elohim Deity, The God Family
YHWH He Exists or He Causes To Be
 Adonai/Adon Lord or Master or Ruler
El The Mighty One
 El Elyon God Most High
 El Roi God Who Sees
El-Elohe-Israel God of Israel
El Olam God of Eternity
 El Shaddai The Almighty, All-Sufficient God
Yah The Independent One
YHWH Elohim Majestic, Omnipotent Lord
YHWH-Hoseenu LORD Our Maker
YHWH-Jireh LORD Will Provide
YHWH- Ropheka LORD Our Healer
YHWH-Nissi LORD Our Banner
YHWH-Mekaddishkem LORD Sanctifies
YHWH-Eloheenu LORD Our God
YHWH-Eloheka LORD Your God
YHWH Elohay LORD My God
 YHWH-Shalom LORD Our Peace
YHWH-Sabaoth LORD of Hosts
 YHWH-Raah LORD My Shepherd
YHWH-Makkeh LORD Will Smite You
 YHWH-Gmolah LORD of Recompenses
YHWH-Shammah LORD Is There
Aramaic Names of God:
Elah The Adorable One
Abba Father
Greek Names of God:
 Theos The One Supreme Deity, God
Kurios Lord or Master
Pater Father
Iesous (Jesus) Savior, Preserver
Christos Anointed, Christ
 Logos The Word, Spokesman
Archegos Author, Forerunner, Captain
Huios Theou Son of God
Basileus Basileon King of Kings
Basileus Eirenes King of Peace
Basileus Dikaiosunes King of Righteousness
Amnos, Arnion The Lamb

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